Seven Ways to Spread Kindness the Rest of the Year

Most of us feel a bit more generous this time of year. The holiday spirit has us in the mood to exchange cheerful wishes, donate to charity, and pick up a thoughtful gift or two along the way. 


However, the generosity doesn’t have to stop on January 1. Here are seven easy ways to spread kindness all year long. 

  1. Get Involved with #HashtagLunchbag: Donate to this service movement that creates and uses bagged lunches as a vessel to send messages of love and empowerment.

  2. Take the Time to Listen: We’re quick to ask, “How are you?”, but how often do we stop to listen to the answer? Give those around you a patient and caring ear...particularly during times when you sense they need it most.

  3. Communicate the Old-Fashioned Way: Instead of spending yet another hour scrolling through Instagram, pick up the phone. Call your grandmother or that friend you haven’t caught up with in ages. The sound of your voice will be a welcome surprise.

  4. Be Quick to Compliment: It takes minimal effort to make a huge impact on someone else’s day by offering them a compliment recognizing a job well done, noticing an outfit that looks amazing, or applauding their own kind acts.

  5. Lend a Book to a Friend or Colleague: Next time you finish an incredible book, leave it on a coworker’s desk with a post-it note that says, “I hope you’ll love this book as much as I did!”

  6. Treat Someone to a Meal: The next time you’re at Starbucks or your favorite restaurant, consider treating someone to a cup of coffee or a meal as it never hurts to pass along a tasty treat.

  7. Be Kind to Yourself: Lastly, it’s tough to offer kindness to others unless you can offer it to yourself. Be easy on yourself. Practice positive self-affirmations. Take the time for self-care. BE KIND